You’ve probably heard someone say that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” at some point in your life. But is there any truth to this statement?
We’re going to look into the origins and reality of eating an apple day. If you would prefer to watch a video about this subject, check out Joe’s video titled “Are Apples a Healthy Snack?”

Where Did the Saying “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away” Come From?
The saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” has been around since 1913, but this wasn’t when the saying originated. Rather, the saying was once a Pembrokeshire proverb from 1866. The proverb was as follows, “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.”
While this was a great saying, it’s easy to see why the exact wording of the saying was changed throughout the course of history. After all, keeping the doctor away sounds a lot better than thinking about a doctor starving!
Plus, throughout history, until the early 1900s, becoming a doctor was a bit of a volunteer position. You would go to medical school, then choose a town to serve. The town would typically provide you with a place to stay, and the residents would “pay” you by giving you food or offering to complete tasks or do work for you in exchange for help in their time of need.
For example, the town carpenter would build cabinets for a doctor in exchange for the doctor helping his wife with childbirth. With this knowledge in mind, it’s easy to see why “earning bread” would become part of this proverb. But as times changed and the doctors began to be paid with cash instead of food, the saying needed to be adjusted to fit the new times.
It’s unclear who made this change, but either way, it stuck, and people still use this saying today.
Why Do They Say an Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?

While this saying might have been made up solely to encourage people to eat more fruit, there is some truth to the saying. Apples contain many compounds that help to promote a healthy lifestyle.
There are even some studies that show eating apples can lower your chances of developing many deadly diseases like heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. So while eating an apple a day might not keep you from needing to get a broken leg checked out by a doctor, it might help keep you from developing a disease that would require you to visit the doctor with frequency.
So why do people say, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Because it can!
What Happens if You Eat an Apple a Day?
While eating an apple a day might not literally keep you from ever having to see a doctor again, apples provide many health benefits that can help you to live a healthier lifestyle. This is especially true when you use them to replace other items in your diet that you usually snack on, like chips or cookies.
Below are the full health benefits you can reap when you eat an apple a day.

The Benefits of Eating Apples
Lower blood pressure
Supports overall heart health (lowers stroke risk)
Weight loss (when apples replace unhealthy snacks like junk food)
Lowers inflammation in the body
Apples contain compounds that fight the formation of cancer cells
Improved bone health/lowered risk of osteoporosis
Apples contain compounds that help reduce stress
Lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes
As you can see, there are several benefits from eating an apple a day. It is important to note, however, that apples are not medicine. This means you can’t just eat a terrible diet filled with junk food and eat an apple at the end of the day and expect it to cancel out. Rather, apples are a part of any healthy diet, and when you are trying to lose weight, they are a great snack to enjoy. We recommend enjoying one a day, maybe in the afternoon when you need a little pick-me-up instead of reaching for a sugary snack!
Are There Any Downsides to Eating an Apple a Day?
We recommend that everyone snack on an apple a day. But do know that it may take a bit for the benefits to kick in, especially if your body isn’t used to a high-fiber diet.
When you first start eating apples, you might notice some bloating, gas, or difficulty digesting. For best results, only eat one apple a day to begin. You also probably won’t want to eat more than one apple at one sitting. But once your body adjusts, you should have no problem eating as many apples as you would like! (Within reason!)

Other Healthy Snack Ideas
In addition to apples, try these other healthy snack ideas when you find your stomach growling between meals.
A banana
Sliced red bell pepper
Mixed nuts
Celery sticks (with peanut butter if you need dip)
Cucumber slices with hummus
A handful of Grapes
An orange
An Apple a Day FAQ:
Are Apples Good for You?
Apples are good for you. They contain several vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. While they do contain carbs, these are the healthy carbs your body needs to keep functioning and keep you feeling great.
Is an Apple a Day Good For You?
Eating an apple is healthy for you. Apples contain fiber, Vitamin C, and potassium, as well as other compounds your body needs on a daily basis. These compounds can help prevent cancer cells from forming and lower your chances of developing a chronic disease.
Do Apples Actually Keep Doctors Away?
Well, no. Even if you eat an apple a day, you will likely need to see a doctor from time to time. But if you eat apples instead of other unhealthy snacks, studies have shown that you will use fewer prescription medications than those who don’t consume apples regularly.