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Guest Interview Series

In this video series I am honored to have interviews with guests who have some  amazing stories to share about their health journeys relative to getting to a healthy weight and maintaining it. Their stories will relate to many who find themselves in similar situations where their health may be lost due to uncontrolled circumstances but how getting to a healthy weight help them regain a quality of life again. These interviews were humbling to create when i learned doing the intervies more details about how some of these folks struggled with serious health conditions but fought to overcome them. True heroes that are paying it forward. Great stuff!

Guest Interview Series

Guest Interview Series

Guest Interview Series
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Coping with Loss: Sarah's Emotional Journey

Coping with Loss: Sarah's Emotional Journey

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Interview Series: Why Blogs are an important learning tool

Interview Series: Why Blogs are an important learning tool

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Guest Interview- A Hospital Pharmacist's Viewpoint: "Self health care vs "Sick Care

Guest Interview- A Hospital Pharmacist's Viewpoint: "Self health care vs "Sick Care

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