2-minute Tips for smarter Excercise
In this series I take just 2 minutes to share with you some practical tips that I learned (sometimes the hard way!) about how to exercise smarter. I spend time in the gym sharing key information and also time discussing some insights about cardio to keep your exercise program balanced and safe. We would love to add more videos with physical trainers and coaches so stay tuned. Also, the chat box below is answered in 8-12 hours so don't hesitate to reach out
An excerpt from on of the videos
"How to choose exercise "equipment"? In this video, I make a simple point that really inexpensive options can be acquired such as a floor mat that really can be a key piece of "equipment" to use on your fitness journey. RxHealthyHabits did an interview you can find on this channel named "Do I need a personal fitness trainer? In this interview with Lory Smitka she discusses how simple it is to get fit with some simple pieces of equipment. Check out the interview video and get your mat to start or stay on your fitness journey to develop lifelong healthy habits. We are here to help you get your fitness life on track.
2 Minute Tips to Smarter Exercixe
2 Minute Tips to Smarter Exercixe

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